Hi ,I'm Izzam

Create your dream website

with the highest quality

design and coding

I am an experienced web developer ready to help you create a functional website, aesthetic, and optimal for all your digital needs.

This is

My Skill

HTML & CSS basic

yeah, I can code HTML and CSS, although it's still basic, because I'm really just learning

Graphic Design

I'm pretty good at graphic design, although I can't say I'm perfect, but I enjoy it :>

Server Maintenance

Insyaallah in the future, so please pray for me :>


Same Insyaallah in the future, so please pray for me :>

A little

About me

Allright..., now about me, as you all know (if you read my name above idk the name eeee hero banner?) yeah my name is Izzam but if you want a full name Izzamnuddin al Qassam but you can call me Izzam I'm 15 years old so I'm still in grade 9, I'm born in Jakarta 30 August 2009

So I went to a school called Pondok Tahfidzar Plus Abudzar, so here I studied IT, Diniyah (such as Arabic, Tawhid, Fiqh, Tajwid), Tahfidz and so on, oh yes, there are also extracurricular activities here like archery, taekwondo, horse riding and football, some of the extracurricular activities are mandatory and optional, hmmmm what else, it seems like that's all, let's leave first, ok Assalamualaikum bye bye...

OH YES!! I almost forgot to tell you that, my English is bad and yeaaaaaah I use Google translate, so if for example there are words that aren't good or bad, I'm sorry my English is bad :v

Recent Projects

My portofolio

Visit my Dribble

E-Commerce Website

OK, this is a group work assignment from my school, so in my group there are 5 people and I'm the leader, so I'm here working on the main page and tidying up several other pages, yes, I'm satisfied with the results, if you want to see Just press the button below

Mobile application

Yeah I made this application, actually this is also a task, but it's a bit difficult because e need to use an mulator because it n only be tested on ellphones and I don't se cellphones at school, only laptops, so it's difficult. (and the file is gone T-T)


Posters, this is one of the things that I often make because I just like it, especially when there are competitions, I have also participated in several competitions, only twice, but. I'm really happy if, for example, the potter is finished and it's good

Get In Touch

Contact me

If you want to ask something, just write it below, I'll answer later if I have time :>

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